Tuesday, May 3, 2011

KNowRa(Ha) Wa Yesu

-KNowRa(Ha) Wa Yesu
I don’t usually do this.. But I feel like publically saying this about this wonderful woman..

Your strength is like that of a young gazelle
The stamina to passionately run far and run well

For me, you run
Even under the scorching sun
The still waters is the prize you long for
To drink from the fountain of the one you adore

Hold your breath honey
Let me hold you and take you into a journey
This is what I can confidently boast
In my love, my endless love you will forever be lost

Taste the beauty of my rest,
Inhale,(pause) exhale (pause)
Yes, it is true. And it is real.
Raha that you can feel.

Raha mpenzi wangu

I know you can swim
You can flap your wings even in your dreams

But let me take you deep
Let me sweep you off your feet

 Leave the shallow surface
Come where you can show me your weakness

I want you to be weak for me
Where through your naked eyes I can see

You don’t have to be strong for me No(rah)
Let me be strong, be assured of what you know

That I love you more than I love myself
From me you can access more than just good health

Lets go where the purple fish can fly
Let me take you where you can never die

Into the deep..
My Deep!
Where You are mine to keep!

When surrounded by the fierce lion
(The one sent by I)…
When the worries of tomorrow deepen
And further you feel I am than the blue sky

That’s when I want you to look at me Norah
Hear me whisper, “ I am always here for ya”

Norah, wa kwangu
Njoo..  kwangu…
Man..eno.. na..kosa.

Don’t keep me waiting.
Let me give you Rest

Monday, April 25, 2011



Psalm 84

    For the director of music. According to gittith.Of the Sons of Korah. A psalm.  
1 How lovely is your dwelling place,
   LORD Almighty!
2 My soul yearns, even faints,
   for the courts of the LORD;
my heart and my flesh cry out
   for the living God.
3 Even the sparrow has found a home,
   and the swallow a nest for herself,
   where she may have her young—
a place near your altar,
   LORD Almighty, my King and my God.
4 Blessed are those who dwell in your house;
   they are ever praising you.
 5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
   whose hearts are set on pilgrimage.
6 As they pass through the Valley of Baka,
   they make it a place of springs;
   the autumn rains also cover it with pools.
7 They go from strength to strength,
   till each appears before God in Zion.
 8 Hear my prayer, LORD God Almighty;
   listen to me, God of Jacob.
9 Look on our shield, O God;
   look with favor on your anointed one.
 10 Better is one day in your courts
   than a thousand elsewhere;
I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
   than dwell in the tents of the wicked.
11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield;
   the LORD bestows favor and honor;
no good thing does he withhold
   from those whose walk is blameless.
 12 LORD Almighty,
   blessed is the one who trusts in you.

... THE Greatest Commandment

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.The second is this: Love your neighbor as yourself.There is no commandment greater than these. - JESUS

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Proverbs 31b

The man, he said to them
Today, I saw something so beautiful
A beauty that would always keep my heart youthful

The woman, the woman
She has the stars in her eyes,
That shines peace around her when everything dies

The sun is her tongue
Her radiant wisdom keeps her people young

The sky is her chest
Where great beings rest

She has the sea in her belly
When many anchor at the ferry

Her feet are the earth
She has the power to nurture and give birth

A woman
A woman is she.

Take 2:

Her arms are her wings
Under them children find blessings

Children who grow to be bold warriors
Nurtured by her love, my compassionate daughters

For she has understood
That children are great men with immature minds in small bodies
She knows that there is a king and queen in these babies

She has understood that like Sarah, she is a mother of many nations
In her hands lies the destiny of the whole creation

Her ears can see
Further into my soul
She sees the torment of the people in me
She touches them, desires to make them whole

She is a replica of my heart
An extension of my mind

I though that she was separate from me
But I realised she wasn’t

She thinks as I do
And does before I think

To deliver those who are in torment
To deliver them into my rest
To cover their nakedness with a garment
To feed their hungry souls with the best

My very nature rests in her soul
She is the manifestation of my thoughts and more

Take 3

My friend, my heart has fallen in love with her you see
For she knows her to please me from a far

Her perfume goes ahead of her to bow before my presence
Before I see her I feel her incense

With time and perseverance she prepares herself
Just for this one encounter
She leaves behind her people, her culture
And everything that to her really matters

She lays on my bed
She rest down her head

Nothing to worry about
Satisfied, for with me is never without

Then she gives me the knife
And asks me to take her life

She lays bear
She has nothing to hide
Not her past, not her pride
Not even the pain that eats her inside

Totally naked before me
Totally ready for anything and everything.

She makes me feel so… weak when I am with her
Ask even half of my kingdom and I will give you

But her request weakens me even more
“All I want is you” she whispers
And so I let myself 
Totally bare before her
And the rest is between the two of us.
For she has conquered my heart.
(And make sweet love to her) – Not to be read in public! lol

The woman, that woman
She has the stars in her eyes,
That shines peace around her when everything dies

The sun is her tongue
Her radiant wisdom keeps her people young

The sky is her chest
Where great beings rest

She has the sea in her belly
When many anchor at the ferry

Her feet are the earth
She has the power to nurture and give birth

A woman
A woman is she.

Sunday, December 26, 2010


For Christmas Eve at Tehillah (2010)

Written on Dec 24, 2010

I couldn’t stop looking at him. He was the most beautiful, adorable baby boy I had ever seen. He had little brown eyes and black curly hair, and beautiful brown soft skin and tiny little fingers. Oh well, maybe all little babies have tiny little fingers. I could go on and on and on about the beauty of this miracle in my hands. None had more beautiful tiny fingers like those of my baby Yeshua…

The birds around us were singing a song and the trees whispered praises as it flapped its leaves in a great applause. The river nearby gave a splashing sound as it hit the rocks by the bank. Everything around us was peaceful… it almost felt like everything knew that we were there. Not because of me, but because of my son, Yeshua. He was a month old now… I wouldn’t let creation take my place. So I sang to him as he gently suckled milk from me. With his eyes closed he firmly gripped one of my fingers and had a feast on my chest. He pulled my long hair whenever he had the chance to. I laughed whenever he did that. He was... beautiful!                                                                                                                                                                                       
Sing: Beautiful one I love. Beautiful One I adore
         Beautiful one my soul must sing….
         My soul, my soul must sing… beautiful one…

Looking straight into his eyes I softly said to him “Wow… A holy being sent by Jehovah, the God worshipped by our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is fed by a young Jewish girl called Mariam!” it was still too much to comprehend.

When I was little Father used to tell me about Father Abraham and how God made a covenant with him. An everlasting covenant of love. “Like the stars in the sky would his seed be!” I remembered Father’s words. Father wouldn’t believe if I told Him about it.. That now, the one who placed the stars is in my hands.

I wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. Sometimes Yosef and I just looked at Yeshua in his cradle and we worshiped Yahweh. We couldn’t comprehend the greatness of what just happened through us. The prophets had spoken about this. They had spoken about this baby and all this time I never knew that it was I chosen by Yahweh to bring forth greatness. A deliverer. A savior.. Who am I to be the mother of the Lord of Israel? Unworthy I am…

The past ten months have been the hardest yet the most beautiful days of my life. It was just the other day when Yosef’s uncle came to see my father because Yosef wanted my hand in marriage. The next thing you know, we were going to have a baby!

I can still remember the day it happened… The day I got pregnant... Oh God, you are amazing… I am amazed of this miracle in my hands… The salvation of mankind born through a human being… I am afraid to even mention to myself these terrifying deeds of our Lord. I am humbled Jehovah. Humbled for you have chosen me and blessed me beyond measure… For this is not just a baby boy… This is what Israel has been waiting for.

Yeshua stopped suckling. It was like he had heard what I just said. I was crying as I sang..

SING:  You are beautiful beyond description… To marvelous for words.. To wonderful for comprehension.. like nothing ever seen or heard… who can grasp you infinite wisdom.. Who can fathom the depth of your love… you are beautiful beyond description.. Majesty.. Enthroned above… I stand in awe

(Well, maybe I don’t have the most beautiful voice in the world (chuckle), but I am sure Yeshua didn’t mind.)

I was not born in the palace, but here I am mothering a King. My womb has been blessed and all people of the earth because of you Yeshua. You have come in a disguise to a realm lower than yourself… only a few can discern who you truly are. Blessed are they whose inner eyes have recognized you..  What have we done to deserve such amazing love…. Oh how I wish I could tell mother and father about everything that has been happening. And my sister Salome, o how I miss her… There is so much to tell… About Prophet Simeon and Prophetess Anna and what they said to me about Yeshua. And the angels that have been appearing and guiding Yosef and I every day. At least Cousin Elizabeth understands me… But she is too far from me now.

But The Lord God has been my strength… He has been there when no one else wanted anything to do with me. My friends laughed at me and my parents ashamed of the disgrace I have caused to the family. But because of the Lord’s faithfulness I delivered his purpose safely. No harm has touched us. Safely I delivered what he miraculously placed in me… And he who placed Yeshua in me, he who made Yosef stay by my side to this day, he will see that Yeshua grows strong and healthy…

Yosef is already thinking of what a great carpenter you will be! Ha! A carpenter… we laughed together as he told me about it… He is a dreamer that one! I can just imagine you in Yosef’s workshop. He is a hard working man, with a kind and loving heart, no doubt about it. . And I am sure you will learn a lot from him... but you My Yeshua, you are more than a carpenter. I have no one else to tell so I will always tell you and remind myself that what I carried for 9 months is so much greater than myself. “He will be given the throne of his father David,” that’s what the angel of the Lord said unto me when he brought me the news. Of course I don’t tell that to Yosef. I would like for Yosef to think of you as his own. He has been so kind to me. He truly is a man of God.

I was sitting outside the house. I raised my head and looked at the river where my husband was. Yosef was looking up the sky. He has been doing so much of that lately. The sun had just awaken, and Yosef spent most of the night meditating upon the love Yahweh has for us. He says there are angels all around us. All the time…

I stood up and started walking around the garden. I smiled when I saw Yosef dancing. He is so beautiful. Then I looked at Yeshua again and said. Actually, you are not my baby Yeshua. I am just a steward of God’s seed. For you were given to me not of human efforts. Yosef and I did nothing to get you. I would be a fool if I had chosen to abort you or even consider how the Jewish leaders would think of me. The moment I said “Be it unto me according to thy will,” I was filled with the Holy Ghost and I know that is when he gave me you.

“We are just vessels my Lord” I said to Yeshua… “Yes, You are my baby… But greater than that, you are my Lord and I am your servant” tears were running down my face, I kissed his forehead and smiled. Yeshua opened his eyes and smiled back at me and his peace filled my heart.

May His love consume you..
And may our eyes be opened to see that what He has done for us is the greatest love of all.. And may we respond to that love.. Because, each and every one of us was born for a purpose!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

In the SURGERY room

I wrote this like two years ago... At Tehillah, Neema K. said something that hit me hard… She was like people who ‘don’t have’ seek God so that he might give em what they need and those who ‘do have’ seek him so that they might not loose what they have… personally, I don’t want to be in either situations… I want to WANT God because I want HIM…

This is what was going on me at the time, and if ever your lover has put you in a tight corner, I am sure you can relate to my heart....
Father, what is going on has really caught me off-guard… You know… I wasn’t prepared for this at all… I don’t know how I am going to make it on this one, but I AM… IN YOU.., That is because you are going to carry me through it Lord.. There is no way I am going to be alone in this one… I would loose FOCUS… I would loose my MIND….
In moments like these, I am left SPEECHLESS
Although there are many things to address, I am left speechless
I am just a little girl in a dress, and I am left speechless
The pain in me is so real, more than less, and I am left speechless
I know God cares and he is here to listen, But in his presence I am left speechless

I know that I asked for this one
 I thought it would be so much ‘fun’
To find out who or what God really is
This great priviledge I didn’t want to miss

Now, I realize that is harder that what I thought
For my way hardship is what he has brought
To teach me that there is more to what I just think is theory
It is damn painful to know who God is, all y’all out there hear me

First, he fixes you in a corner where you can’t move
Then he takes a knife, cuts your heart, and that aint smooth!!!
Though you scream, kick, cry and curse a bit
Deep down you know that all this is meant to keep you fit

Then in the midst of the pain you cry out ‘I love you Jesus, I need you’
And right there and then you realize that it is a sweet fellowship in the surgery room
You know that although this is the most painful experience in your life,
You are enjoying every moment of it because you are in safe hands


In the surgery room
That is where I get to know who you really are
That is where I realize that you are never far
Even when you cut my heart open
You embrace me in my pain and love me more than a friend
That is why I know I will be safe in your arms
In the surgery room

In the surgery room
That is where you change her
That is where she enters into your love forever
No one can know the father without meeting the surgeon
Trust me, he doesn’t show up humbly like a pigeon.

I need a change of heart
Give me a heart like yours

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Amma gift to the world...

Unwrap me, reveal me
This life is not about me

If I have anything that you need
Your spirits thirst I am here to feed

I was brought to this realm for you
There is so much for me to do
I was born here to reveal The Truth
Everybody hear me y’all
Amma gift to the world
Amma gift to the world

A gift doesn’t exist for itself
Its purpose isn’t just to act cute on the shelf

I wanna live full and die empty
It doesn’t necessarily mean that I want to have plenty
Of money and cars and friends
To be known that every party Esther attends

But to fulfill His purpose is my mission
The one I was given from the beginning of creation
Everybody hear me y’all
Amma gift to the world
Amma gift to the world

The world wouldn’t be the same without me
There is something unique in me you see

If I don’t act who will?
If I don’t speak but be still
I rob the giver His right to own me
I rob the world the pleasure to be free

From sin and its consequences
The bondages of the soul and evil forces

See I can’t change the whole world by myself
But I can do my part awakening those who are deaf

Who can’t hear the sound of his heart beat
Who are lost in a corrupt system tryna make ends me

Everybody hear  me y’all
Amma gift to the world
Amma gift to the world

See I’m tired of playing church
I’ve been there, I’ve done that, cause I was jus tryna search
For love in the wrong places
Living a double life always changing faces

Giving my body to fill the void within
Thinking me he’ll end up lovin’

But I’ve come to realize love is a way of thinking
Not of myself but my brother who is hurting

I’m not part of the change I am the change
The whole system just needs to be rearranged

I aint gonna sit and do the blaming game
I am fit and I can function I aint lame

See we forget that life is a gift and it is short
We know the story but focus on the wrong plot

Seek first the kingdom and His righteousness
Decide to be productive refuse bareness

The church is a gift to the world
Come out now and be bold
Every sector needs to be told
And see the unfailing love of Christ unfold

Everybody hear me y’all
Amma gift to the world
Amma gift to the world 

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Passionate Woman Jazz Poem (12th Sept 2010)

Quietly she entered into the room
In her hand holding the jar of a perfume

“I shall not miss this moment”, she  thought
Especially since this jar I have brought

This jar is my life
Like a husband is to his wife

I am passionate about this jar
It has cost me my life, a life full of scars
But I choose to give it to Him
It is the only costly thing I have
I will give it to him

My pain, my past, I am dirty
I admit I am wrong, I am guilty

And filthy, and empty, yet thirsty
For the one who is mighty to save me

I give him my worth, my pride, my dignity
This is all that I have and it is not about my beauty

For He is the one who makes me beautiful
Though they reject me, though they use and abuse me

Though the Pharisees and the sadducces claim that theyu know God
They don’t love me, they don’t cry for the lost

Where are the true lovers of God
Who will keep His command – to love God and love man

Where are they who are ready to repent
To change their way of thinking
Look at how in sin the world is sinking
Look at how in sin I am sinking!

All I want is to kiss his feet
To hear the sound of his heart beat

I kneel before him
I lay down my glory and adore him

He is the God of a second chance
He is my lover, my joy and my romance

And to Him I give my life
To Him I give my life.